15. Mongiovino - Buca del Calcinaio, Lac Trasimène, Ombrie

We set out from the cemetery of Mongiovino, near the sanctuary, and continue along the unpaved road heading towards the hill where we can see the old village of Mongiovino. Walking across the hillside towards Buca del Calcinaro, we go through an area with old farmhouses, some of which in ruins, numerous olive groves, cultivated fields and woods. We continue downhill through an area criss-crossed by gullies, forks and junctions, and it is important to follow the signs carefully. Then we start to climb through heavily wooded areas of downy oaks, heather, laurustinus, privets and turkey oaks.

Walking along trails that are delightful in any season, we come to Passo Buca del Calcinaro (elevation 395 m a.s.l.), named for a small furnace – whose ruins can still be seen – that was used to slake lime. Bearing right, we head towards Muserale and reach the lay-by, which has a shelter for horses, passing near Vocabolo Scornabecco; Villa di Monte Solare is in front of us.

The track rises and falls unexpectedly, going through mixed woods with an abundance of wild asparagus, and this takes us back to Buca del Calcinaro. We take the dirt road that goes to Panicale and then head towards the characteristic summit topped with a crest of trees: Monte Civitella (elevation 498 m a.s.l.). We continue straight along a very scenic dirt road – with views of the Nestore river valley, Piegaro, Montarale, Petrarvella and Panicale – through olive groves. We go past the Casale Lombo towards the village of Mongiovino Vecchio (elevation 490 m a.s.l.), which is worth a brief stop.

At the shrine, we take the paved road down to Vocabolo Paolinami, where we head left on a dirt road that brings us back to the Sanctuary of Madonna di Mongiovino.  The total length of the itinerary is 10.760 km.

  • Point de départ: Mongiovino
  • Temps employé: 02:40 h
  • Longueur: 10.76 km
  • Degré de difficulté moyen

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Offre spéciale été 2025 !!!!!! appartements de 2 à 6 lits. Structure avec piscine et parking couvert

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